If you've stuck around here, you've noticed that I've listed a few blogs that I like over on the left-hand side. One of those, NorCalCazadora is brilliantly written by a journalism professor at CSU, Sacramento, by the name of Holly A. Heyser. Her latest post is about a student who passed away too young.
I taught and substitute taught for seven years; teacher - student relationships often run deeper than either realize until moments like these. If you would like to help out, her blog offers the chance to donate to a scholarship program in Jamie Gonzales' name, the young woman who passed from us. Even if you can't help in that way right now, it helps to take a moment and think about (and pray, if that's in you) for those who mourn her passing.
The Sako L-579 Forester - An Introduction
6 days ago
1 comment:
Thank you so much, Josh. These students are like my own kids - many of them stay at the paper for years, so I get to watch them grow (and even help them, sometimes). And the paper, for them, is truly like family. It was definitely Jamie's family.
Thank you so much for the mention - I appreciate it.
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