© Joshua Stark, 2009
One of the most-paraphrased line in the past16 years, so I thought I'd get in on it. Anyway...
I just stumbled upon a piece at a blog named Aquanomics that I found interesting. It is about concerns over California's water quantity and quality, but with a twist. You see, the blogger (David Zetland) has found a news article from an English paper, The Graphic, about concerns over California's timber harvest, its population growth, and its water use.
Only, the quotation is from 1878.
When we consider our impacts on the environment, please note that it is the 90% or so who don't know/care enough to make different choices. Enviros and conservationists and environmental justice folks may snipe at each other, but in the end, any infighting defeats our chances at dealing with the real threats, threats we have known for years and years.
Just remember, then, when you get into a scrape with a granola munching people-excluder, or a red-neck access freak, that we all are there, fighting, because we all love the place.
Shotgun Shenanigans Pt.1
1 month ago
Great point at the end there Josh.
Don't forget to add the secret code between the initial paragraphs. The color for the Scribe Template back ground should be rgb(254, 241, 206. Then add a google blog search to your Igoogle window or an email alert.
Let’s Get This Plagiarizer!
Mark Osterholt / Wayne Rommel is Stealing Your Content
This part: "the 90% or so who don't know/care enough to make different choices" really strikes a chord with me.
One of the more sensitive choices in my life is to sacrifice the potential beauty of my front yard- my roses and flowers- for water conservation. We water our yards at 4 am, but not nearly as much as I would like. My roses wilt as soon as they bloom. This makes me sad.
But almost everyday I see my neighbors watering their lawns with those moveable hose sprinklers. They have lush green, well kept lawns, and roses to boast of. And I totally understand the desire to do it. But I don't know what it's like water the lawn all day, during the hottest weather, and not even have a bother or a second thought about it. What a luxury to live like that.
But I wonder if that 90% really doesn't know or care, as much as they just choose the easy way. Or maybe our habits are so deep, that some people just have to see those roses bloom, because those roses represent something more to them, then difficult sacrifices.
Albert, I'm working on making these standard procedure for my stuff, in the vain hope that one day I'll be good enough to be plagiarized...
Anonymous, I feel your frustration. I see those very same people out there watering. Your last rose comment really struck me. Maybe we've all gotten too used to seeing roses, and maybe if they were a little rarer, we might appreciate them more.
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